Sites in Columbia County represented in
Looking for Work: Industrial Archeology in Columbia County, New York

Looking for Work, a guide to historic industrial and engineering sites in Columbia County, New York, is published by the Columbia County Historical Society. This interactive map of the 134 sites illustrated in the book is designed to accompany the book's publication. Sites are numbered and described in the text of the book; on this map, selected sites are illustrated with modern or historic thumbnail images. Additional detailed summary information about each site, maps and and Virtual Earth aerial views can be found here.
To identify a site on the map, move your mouse over a site icon. Double click on the icon for the full name of the site and driving directions. To zoom in, double click on the map, or use the sliding scale at left. Note that the background map can be changed using the dropdown box at upper left.
This site is provisional and is expected to undergo redesign when it is moved to its permanent web address later in the Spring of 2008.